

  • 恩嘉設計是專業的博物館設計施工一體化服務公司。由恩嘉設計完成的紅色黨建展廳“為幸福而奮斗”——改革開放四十周年巡禮展項目分為四個篇章:激情的歲月、如歌的歲月、奮進的歲月、走進新時代。通過呈現普通百姓尤其是婦女兒童的真實生活狀態和重要的歷史瞬間,體現改革開放給中國老百姓帶來的收獲和幸福,展示中國改革開放40周年所取得的巨大成就。 40年前,改革開放的春雷,沖破思想桎梏,喚醒沉睡的大地,中國共產黨發出了走自己的路、建設中國特色社會主義的偉大號召,領導億萬人民開啟了改革開放的偉大歷史變革。經過40年的發展,中國的經濟實力、科技實力、國防實力、綜合國力進入世界前列,中華民族的面貌發生了前所未有的變化。民生無小事,枝葉總關情,國家的滄桑巨變,在老百姓的衣、食、住、行等方面都得到了真實體現。

    The exhibition is divided into four chapters: the years of passion, the years of song, the years of striving, and entering the new era. By presenting the real life status and important historical moments of ordinary people, especially women and children, it reflects the harvest and happiness brought by reform and opening up to the Chinese people, and shows the great achievements made in the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up.

  • 恩嘉設計是專業的博物館設計施工一體化服務公司。由恩嘉設計完成博物館設計,博物館施工及多媒體交互設計的江西安吉歷史文化展項目是江西市委、市政府宣傳吉安、展示吉安的一項重要舉措,是為慶祝中華人民共和國成立七十周年而開設的重要展覽。主要內容包括:締造吉安文明的商代“新干大洋洲”、宋元時期江西地區滿譽海外的“吉州窯”、“文章節義并重”的吉安廬陵文化、中國革命的搖籃井岡山,承襲千年古風,書寫歷史的吉安照耀家國之路等等,全景式地展現吉安的歷史文化。 Jiangxi Anji Historical and Cultural Exhibition is an important initiative of Jiangxi Municipal Committee and municipal government to promote Ji'an and display Ji'an, and it is an important exhibition to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The main contents include: the creation of the Ji'an civilization of the Shang Dynasty "Shingan Oceania", the Song Yuan period Jiangxi region full of overseas "Jizhou kiln", "articles and meanings" of the Ji'an Ling culture, the cradle of the Chinese revolution Jinggangshan, inheriting the millennium ancient wind, writing history of ji'an shines the road of home, and so on, a panoramic display of Ji'an's history and culture. 江西安吉歷史文化展廳 江西安吉歷史文化展廳

    Jiangxi Anji Historical and Cultural Exhibition is an important initiative of Jiangxi Municipal Committee and municipal government to promote Ji'an and display Ji'an, and it is an important exhibition to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

  • 恩嘉設計是專業的博物館設計施工一體化服務公司。由恩嘉設計完成博物館設計及多媒體交互設計的中國-中東歐國家合作展項目通過聯動互通的展廳節奏、綠色創新的技術手段、開放共贏的整體格局展示中國與中東歐17國合作成果,捍衛多邊主義,推動自由貿易,深化互惠合作,共建開放型世界經濟。 The exhibition design shows the achievements of cooperation between China and 17 countries in central and Eastern Europe through the interactive exhibition hall rhythm, green innovation technology means and the overall pattern of opening and win-win situation, so as to safeguard multilateralism, promote free trade, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and build an open world economy.

    The exhibition design shows the achievements of cooperation between China and 17 countries in central and Eastern Europe through the interactive exhibition hall rhythm, green innovation technology means and the overall pattern of opening and win-win situation, so as to safeguard multilateralism, promote free trade, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and build an open world economy.

  • 恩嘉設計是專業的紅色黨建展廳設計施工一體化服務公司。由恩嘉設計完成紅色黨建展廳設計、施工及多媒體交互設計的興安村第一黨支部紀念館項目從紅色底色的黨旗飄揚、五角星的歷史文化符號中延伸到紀念館設計的流動、貫通的風格調性。提煉升華表達整個莊重雄渾的氣勢。把興安村黨支部的發展比喻成種子,興安村黨支部的起源就像一粒粒革命的種子在中華大地孕育,萌發破土而出,伴隨著艱苦歲月不斷成長壯大,點亮了中華大地,見證革命勝果的到來,在最后結下紅色的種子代代傳承。 From the red background of the party flag flying, the five pointed star of historical and cultural symbols extended to the memorial hall design flow, through the style of tonality. Refining and sublimation express the whole solemn and powerful momentum. The development of the Party branch in Xing'an village is compared to seeds. The origin of the Party branch in Xing'an village is like a seed of revolution in China. It has been growing and growing along with the hard years, lighting up the land of China, witnessing the arrival of the revolutionary fruits, and finally bearing the red seed inheritance from generation to generation. 興安村第一黨支部紀念館 興安村第一黨支部紀念館 興安村第一黨支部紀念館 興安村第一黨支部紀念館

    From the red background of the party flag flying, the five pointed star of historical and cultural symbols extended to the memorial hall design flow, through the style of tonality. Refining and sublimation express the whole solemn and powerful momentum. The development of the Party branch in Xing'an village is compared to seeds.

  • 恩嘉設計是專業的紅色黨建展廳設計施工一體化服務公司。由恩嘉設計完成展廳設計、施工及多媒體交互設計的百年序章-從石庫門到天安門項目秉承歷史之不朽脈絡,讓觀眾以跟隨從石庫門到天安門的紅色足跡中感受共產黨不斷成長、向成熟和成功的道路上一個個重要節點。展覽以近300余項珍貴歷史文物,讓普通百姓了解如今美好生活是共產黨艱苦奮斗中得來的,讓黨員重溫紅色記憶再現入黨光榮時刻,讓首博為中國共產黨百年誕辰增添祝福。展覽四個不同歷史時期為線索,規劃四種不同的空間基調。展項融合多種多媒體互動手段提升展覽的趣味性和互動性,讓不同年齡段找尋紅色青春記憶。The exhibition adheres to the immortal context of history, so that the audience can follow the red footprints from Shikumen to Tiananmen to feel the important nodes of the Communist Party's continuous growth, maturity and success. With more than 300 precious historical relics, the exhibition let ordinary people understand that today's good life is the result of the hard struggle of the Communist Party of China, let the party members review the red memory, reappear the glorious moment of joining the party, and let Shoubo add blessing to the Centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China. With four different historical periods as clues, the exhibition plans four different space keynote. The exhibition integrates a variety of multi-media interactive means to enhance the fun and interactivity of the exhibition, so that different ages can find the memory of red youth. 百年序章-從石庫門到天安門 百年序章-從石庫門到天安門 百年序章-從石庫門到天安門 百年序章-從石庫門到天安門

    The exhibition adheres to the immortal context of history, so that the audience can follow the red footprints from Shikumen to Tiananmen to feel the important nodes of the Communist Party's continuous growth, maturity and success.

  • 興安村紅巴鄉文化廣場作為紅巴鄉旅游第一站,集游客集散中心、黨建活動陣地、紅色文化廣場等于一體,必須樹立鮮明的紅巴鄉主形象,打造紅色地標點、黨性教育點、旅行記憶點。N+以紅色基因為設計本源,圍繞紅色的熱土、悠久的歷史和豐富的地域文化資源,將紅色文化與地域文化脈絡相融合,綻放華彩,打造具有興安盟特色的紅色主題文化圣地。紅旗飄揚,紅心向黨,唱響紅巴鄉主旋律。As the first tourism stop of Hongba Township, the cultural square of Hongba Township in Xing'an village integrates Tourist Distribution Center, Party building activity position and red cultural square. It is necessary to establish a distinct image of Hongba Township owner and create red landmark, party spirit education point and travel memory point. N + takes the red gene as the source of design, integrates the red culture with the regional cultural context around the red hot land, long history and rich regional cultural resources, and creates a red theme cultural holy land with the characteristics of Xing'an League. Red flag flying, red heart to the party, singing the main melody of Hongba township.

    N + takes the red gene as the source of design, integrates the red culture with the regional cultural context around the red hot land, long history and rich regional cultural resources, and creates a red theme cultural holy land with the characteristics of Xing'an League.

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